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Reg Intel Operations (Workflow, Projects & Documents)

Consolidating discussions on evolving/changing regulations, upcoming guidance, projects and to-do lists in a central location enables teams to effectively transform ideas, information and feedback into actionable outcomes.


  • Convert alerts coming in as watchlist items to assign and track actions needed (either review or preliminary assessment or gathering further details)
  • Leverage additional functionality like custom checklists prepared on the fly for each specific activity and workflow alerts
  • Add external sources or alerts to follow through tracking part
  • Add documents as evidence or create new documents using built-in templates and document module

Documents, Forms & Collaboration

Document/Content Creation

Use built-in templates (or load easily your forms and templates) to create and manage full lifecycle of Documents securely and in user friendly manner.

Co-authoring & Reviews

Vistaar allows to edit documents collaboratively in real-time, much like a live multi-player editor that runs in your browser. Author newsletters, regulatory strategy documents, change forms, or articles and invite co-authors and reviewers, both within and outside Vistaar system.

Sharing and Integrations

Vistaar integrates with your other systems to ensure “system of truth”  is maintained and accommodates various communication preferences with your team.

For more information about Operations